2023 updated CP1 ** 

Curriculum Allocation

This is taught for 1x 50 minute lesson per week and in a form period once a week (15 mins) and we also enrich using assembly time and endzone activities 

Curriculum Period 1:

Curriculum content: 16 lessons at 50 mins (some are double lessons as stated below)

Focus on Health and wellbeing and relationships 

Session 1a -  mental health and me. This is in place to respond to the needs of the year group based on transitional work established with the progress manager , and reflects on helping educate your child about mental health. This will include signposting for support.

Session 1b - healthy eating and misconceptions. This session focuses on healthy eating and it is important to complete everything in moderation. Will also look at principles of planning and preparing healthy meals. How to maintain healthy eating and poor health and risks including tooth decay

Session 2a and b - Smoking recap and Vaping looking at the key components about these two mediums.  Looking looking at how media influences this.

Session 3 and b - facts about legal and illegal drugs focusing specifically on categories of drugs, linking the laws and class of drug. Where to get help and support

session 3c - review alcohol (looking at units) and understanding substance misuse (focus on alcohol but not exclusive to)

Session 4a - Puberty and growing up - recap from year 7 knowledge and focus on menstrual cycle introducing different types of sanitary products and comparing them

session 4b - hair removal what is it and why and how do we do it?

session 5a/b - Being safe on the online world. How much information you can give out unknowingly. Focus on selfies, geotags and tagging location.

session 6a - Body image and self esteem ties in with form time sessions (and session 5) but this focuses on what influences us and what self esteem is and how we can help ourselves navigate through it

session 6b:- Relationships reviewed from year 7 and domestic conflict . What the negative relationships are, recognising reasons for domestic conflict. Where to get help and support

Form time sessions  Sept - December will include sessions on adapting from covid into year 8, social norms , self esteem , self care, healthy lifestyles. 


The first assessment will be 30 mins long and will contain 30 marks. The content will cover the first 5 sessions above with 20% of the paper on each section. 


    Pupils will also have the opportunity to have a session and a form time on careers to start establishing their use of Unifrog. Pupils will be signpost to start creating their profile and looking into pathways post 16. Pupils will be signpost to looking at their skill set and job interests and seeing how these link together.

    L4L assembly sessions delivered by the L4L teaching team last year to expand upon

    October  2023: Mental health  (NT)

    November 2023 Physical health (MD)

    November 2023: World challenge (ES) and diversity

    External agency presentations

    Road safety Staffordshire highways agency- local road safety

    Loudmouth theatre agency - Bully4U presentation on what bullying is and the forms it can take. Where to get help and support.

    additional sessions: Red nose day opportunities (charity) DN, E safety week links (Feb) , Mental health week.

    Curriculum Period 2:

    Focus area- relationships, community and character

    Session 1- Relationships and criminal activity . This session focuses on gangs. It looks at how people can end up in gangs, how to raise concerns over and friend and where to get help and support.

    Session 2 - Radicalisation and extremism. Understanding what these terms means, signs and symptoms and prevent.

    Session 3 - Sexting and viewing images

    Session 4 - LGBTQ+ focus including Pride link

    Focus area- Living in the wider world

    Session 1 : First Aid

    Session 2: Protected characteristics and character education

    Session 5: Career and enterprise

    January - April Form time sessions will focus on : Living in the wider world- community social awareness, volunteering,  community identity, money , human rights, terrorism 

    L4L focus assemblies

    AJ: Hidden disabilities awareness.

    Assessment 2 will be 45 mins long and will be made up primarily of sessions from curriculum period 1 and also lesson 1 and 2 of curriculum period 2. 10% of the paper will reflect on sessions 1-5 on curriculum term 1.

      Curriculum content

      Session 3 - Radicalisation and extremism. Understanding what these terms means, signs and symptoms and prevent.

      Session 4 - Sexting and viewing images

      Session 5 - LGBTQ+ focus including Pride link

      Focus area- Living in the wider world

      Curriculum Period 3: 

      Session 1 : First Aid 

      Session 2: Protected characteristics and character education  

      Session 5: Career and enterprise

      Form time sessions will focus on recapping relationships: successful relationships adapting and love, identity and diversity, disability and awareness, bullying and banter, self worth and self efficacy.

      L4L assembly focus 

      April 2023 - disabilities awareness (AJ) SENDCO

      LGBTQ (NT)


      Assessment 3 will be 60 minutes long and have a primary focus on Curriculum Period 3. There will also be 10 minutes recapping Curriculum Period 1 and 10 minutes recapping Curriculum Period 2.

        Subject advice and guidance

        If you need any further guidance then please contact your child’s teacher via email:

        n.tapley@endon.shaw-education.org.uk (DTL)


