Curriculum Allocation

German is taught for two 100 minute lessons per fortnight.

Curriculum Period 1:

Curriculum content

Pupils will work heavily on pronunciation and intonation of the language with extensive exposure to chunks of language in phrase and sentence form, which gradually seeks to build confidence in using the language and in each mini topic, seeks to introduce new language, whilst at the same time, practising previously learnt material both in Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking. 

The topic of jobs and film contain new vocabulary and grammatical structures. Vocabulary will be set to learn for Homework and tested at the start of each lesson. Reading and Translation tasks will also be set in this unit.

1Recall NumbersTo recall numbers 1-31 in order to understand dates in German. 

To be able to count 1-100 looking for patterns. 

2Personality DescriptionsTo describe your personality in first and third person. 
3SchoolTo give opinions on school subjects and justify with a reason. 
4SportTo say what sports you like and dislike and justify your reason. 
5 - 7JobsTo identify 10 jobs in German.

To say what a family member does as a job showing understanding of grammatical rules. 

8-9Comparing PeopleTo explain how to use a comparative.

To compare family members in German. 

10TVTo identify at least 6 TV genres.

To give opinions on TV. 

11-13FilmTo understand at least 8 film genres and give justified opinions.

To write a detailed review of a film in German. 


40-minute assessment testing understanding of grammar, sentence structure and ability to extract information from written passages. This will test only materials learnt in this curriculum period.

    Curriculum Period 2:

    Curriculum content

    Topics covered in this period are:

    Jobs and World of Work What jobs people do, why they like/dislike jobs, where people work, adjectives to describe jobs, jobs, buildings, [arbeiten-to work] and [wohnen-to live] full verb table, [ich finde] for giving opinions, family members, [sein], description of people and pets
    Film Unit Pupils will watch a German film and write a scaffolded review of it.
    Comparing People Comparing people's appearance and personality,more…than, as….as, not as….as…., new adjectives to describe people, family members, pets, appearance and character words
    In the School Bag What objects you have in school bag, pencil case and classroom, classroom equipment, what you have and don't have, adjectival endings after [ich habe] and [es gibt], colours, introducing self, pets


    30-minute assessment testing understanding of grammar, sentence structure and ability to extract information from written passages. This will test mainly materials learnt in this curriculum period (approximate 75-80%) with the remainder of questions being focused on retrieving language learnt in Curriculum period 1.

      Curriculum Period 3:

      Curriculum content

      Food and Drink What food you like/dislike eating and why, new adjectives, [essen-to eat] and [trinken-to drink] full verbs, [gern], [lieber], [am liebsten], time markers, providing a justification
      What meals you eat every day and what you eat for those meals. Word order in main clauses. Common Question words and forms [essen and trinken] present tense, [gern] and other expressions of likes and dislikes. Jobs and schoolbag items
      Clothes What clothes you wear in various contexts, variety of clothes and accessories, range of words for places in town, [tragen-to wear] full verb. Time markers, frequency markers, colours, adjective endings and introduction phrases
      Telling the Time learning how to tell the time in 12-hour format
      Talking about Past Events Learn how to form the past perfect tense using ten common verbs.


      A 45-minute assessment which will focus around 70% of the content on learning from Curriculum period 3. The remaining 30% will test items learnt in Periods 1 and 2. There will also be a short phonic-based speaking task to check pronunciation and sound patterns.

        Revision resources

        Pupils will be provided with electronic sentence builders to help them to decipher and build confidence with new language - these will support them in each lesson..

        Subject advice and guidance

        If you need any further guidance then please contact your child’s teacher via email: