Religious Education is taught for 1 100 minute lesson per fortnight.

Curriculum INTENT - In year 7 we want to take the students on a voyage through the array of multi-faith and philosophical world views in our society. They will have the opportunity to explore their own views and opinions on some complex questions as well as developing an understanding of what it is like to belong and how religious people and communities express their faith. Religious education is not something that is done to them but is a preparation for students to enter a world full of moral dilemmas and questions, we want to prepare all students for such a world.

We will begin Year 7 with 6 lessons giving a general introduction to the 6 major world religions. We will then focus on Christianity. 

Curriculum Period 1:

Curriculum content

Lesson 1 - What is R.E.? An introduction to studying RE at EHS

Lesson 2  - The Island - Displacement/Leadership

Lesson 3 - The Island - What laws and rituals d we want to have?

Lesson 4 - Symbolism in Religion

Lesson 5 - Big questions and creation stories

Lesson 6- Different thoughts on religion - Atheism and Humanism

Unit 2 - Christianity

Lesson 7 - Introduction to Christianity (including the Nativity story)

Lesson 8 - Christianity - Key beliefs


During this assessment period we will assess everything studied so far.

    Curriculum Period 2:

    Curriculum content - IN DEVELOPMENT

    Lesson 9 - 

    Lesson 10 - 

    Lesson 11 - 

    Lesson 12 - 

    Lesson 13 - 

    Lesson 14 - 

    Lesson 15 

    Assessment - 100% on what we have studied this year in RE

      Curriculum Period 3:

      Curriculum content

      Lesson 16 - 

      Lesson 17 - 

      Subject advice and guidance

      If you need any further guidance then please contact your child’s teacher via email: