** CP1 2023

Curriculum Allocation

1 lesson of 50 minutes per week  and form time once a week (15 -20 mins) enriched with assemblies and endzone activities 

Curriculum Period 1: 16 lessons of 50 mins

Curriculum content

Focus - Health and wellbeing and relationships part 1

Session 1 introduction to course and mental health and wellbeing 

Session 2 RSE spec reference - what constitutes to a healthy eating, the principles of planning a healthy meal, characteristics of poor diet and risks of unhealthy eating.

Session 2b - The characteristics and mental and physical benefits of an active lifestyle, importance of exercise, risks associated with an inactive lifestyle.

Session 3a/b - Key facts about puberty, the changing adolescent body, the main changes in males and females and the implications for emotional and physical health. 

Session 4a- The facts about the harms from smoking tobacco. Signposted support systems for all sessions above.

Session 4b - Alcohol - The facts about alcohol and the associated risks.

Session 5a/b Drugs - the facts about legal and illegal substances, the different types of drug groups with a focus on caffeine.

Session 6a/b - Health and prevention focus on personal hygiene including germs and viruses and the importance of good dental health.

Session 7a - focus on understanding misconceptions about wellbeing and how to help yourself.

Session 7b-- Family and relationships - different types of stable relationships and family units, how relationships contribute to happiness.

Session 8a Romance and relationships- , what is a successful relationship , what is romance.

Session 8b - negative relationships spotting the signs  and how seek help if you experience a negative relationship


The assessment will be based on 14-16 sessions above . The paper will be 40  minutes long containing 40 marks. It will be 100% content based from lessons.


Additional sessions 

External agency support- ALL pupils will also attend a road safety 1 hr presentation assembly in term 1 run by Staffordshire highways agency to encourage them to be safe. 

All pupil will have focus on remembrance (poppy appeal) charity, values links (resources by History department)

L4L specific assembly content by L4L team

October 2023 Mental health and wellbeing   (NT)

November 2023 : Physical health ideas for change (MK)

December 2023 - technology and us (link to world challenge) ES

Careers sessions 

As part of the additional time with the assessment block and form time slot all pupils will have their introduction lesson on using Unifrog platform. Pupils will be given the opportunity to log on, try the personality and skills sets and also explore what pathways are available to them post 16 within our area.

Form time sessions for September to December will include information on transitioning into secondary school, personal strengths and weaknesses (character education, how to target set, how to have friendships and start new ones, how relationships change at secondary school, what risks we may take and why, how to be healthy with a focus on sleep

    Curriculum Period 2: Nov - Feb

    Continuation from Curriculum period 1 on Health and wellbeing and then onto relationship

    Curriculum content

    Focus on relationships, community and character

    L4L specific focus assemblies by L4L team 

    November/December 2022:  Building Character focus on resilience (ES)

    February 2023- Building character, seizing opportunities and charity work (MD)

    Form time focus January - April - Recap British values, community values and citizenship, how the media influence, money. this will not be assessed within the assessment block.

    additional sessions:  Red nose day opportunities (charity) DN, E safety week links , Mental health week.


    The assessment will be based on lessons 1-10 which will including aspects from Curriculum one and the lessons taught so far in curriculum two- The paper will be 40 minutes long containing 40 marks. It will be 100% content based from lessons.

      Curriculum Period 3: April - July

      Curriculum content

      Focus on relationships, community and character and living in the wider world

      Session 9-- E safety - how to determine whether something or someone is trustworthy, how to seek advice and support and report concerns, the characteristics of healthy and positive friendships

      Session 10- The different types of diversity amongst people of different sex, gender identity and sexual orientation.

      Session 11 - Relationships with money. How money affects our lives and how we have relationships with money.

      Session 12: Pride focus LGBTQ+

      Focus - Living in the wider world

      Session 13 - First aid: to understand the basics of First Aid  responding from the needs based on student voice.

      Session 14- Community- what it means to be a citizen, how to be part of a community and how it links together

      Session 15 - Careers - this session will be done as an additional session within the assessment period. It will utilise the Unifrog platform resources responding to the needs of the pupils from the student voice.

      Form time focus  April - July- will include sessions on forced marriage, Respect, diversity, prejudice and stereotypes, bullying, self-worth and self-efficacy and how to encourage others.

      assembly focus L4L Disabilities and diversity (AJ) and LGBTQ (NT) link with Pride month


      This will be a 60 minute paper with a primary focus on Curriculum Period 2 but also reviewing Curriculum Periods 1.

        Subject advice and guidance

        If you need any further guidance then please contact your child’s teacher via email:

        n.tapley@endon.shaw-education.org.uk (DTL)

