Curriculum Allocation

Computing is taught for one 100 minute lesson per fortnight.

Curriculum Period 1:

Curriculum content

Unit 1 - Digital Literacy.

This unit's aim is to cover all basic computing skills that are required in all subjects when using a computer. This is to ensure all students are able to use the basic software packages with confidence regardless of prior knowledge.

Lesson 1 - During this lesson, students are given usernames and passwords. They are introduced to the school acceptable use policy and the rules that are in place to keep them safe whilst using technology within school. Students are also given given a virtual tour around Firefly and the use of their email account.

Lesson 2 - Setting up folders and the importance of an organised file structure are discussed.

Lesson 3- Word Processing skills

Lesson 4 - eSafety

Lesson 5 - PowerPoint Skills

Lesson 6 - Spreadsheet Skills


Students will complete a computer based assessment based on the skills covered in the above lessons. 

The assessment is 30 minutes and includes multiple choice questions, a practical task using the software covered in lessons and an extended writing question, which assesses their understanding of eSafety.

    Curriculum Period 2:

    Curriculum content

    Unit 2 - What are computers?

    The aim of this unit is to provide students with a detailed understanding of the components that make a computer function.

    Lesson 1 - Input and output devices

    Lesson 2 - Internal Computer Components 

    Lesson 3 - Health and safety

    Lesson 4 - Introduction to Binary

    Lesson 5 - ASCII

    Lesson 6 - Storage devices

    Lesson 7 - Networks

    Lesson 8 - Methods of Communication


    Students will complete a computer based assessment based on the skills covered in the above lessons.

    The assessment is 30 minutes and includes multiple choice questions, a practical task using the software covered in lessons and an extended writing question.

      Curriculum Period 3:

      Topic 3 - Computational Thinking

      Lesson 1 - What is Computational Thinking? [Algorithm, Decomposition and Abstraction]

      Lesson 2 - Algorithms and pseudo code.

      Lesson 3 - Flowcharts

      Lesson 4 - Design an interactive story

      Lesson 5 - Creating an interactive story

      Lesson 6 - Testing and evaluating an interactive story


      Students will complete a computer based assessment based on the skills covered in the above lessons.

      The assessment is 30 minutes and includes multiple choice questions, a practical task using the software covered in lessons and an extended writing question.

        Revision resources

        Knowledge Organisers

        Subject advice and guidance

        If you need any further guidance then please contact your child’s teacher via email: