Specification/Exam Board

AQA 8261

  • Component 1: Understanding Drama (written exam). Forms 40% of the GCSE and is taken at the end of Year 11.
  • Component 2: Devising Drama. Practical performance and written devising log -forms 40% of whole GCSE
  • Component 3: Texts in Practice. Practical performance of two extracts from a play - forms 20% of whole GCSE

Curriculum Allocation

Drama is taught for three 100 minute lessons per fortnight.

Curriculum Period 1:

Curriculum content

The teaching and progress aim of this curriculum period is to introduce the pupils to the study of Drama at GCSE. We will also develop, improve and refine the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in this subject.

For the first part of this curriculum period, students will be given a scripted monologue and group piece to rehearse and perform. Students will receive marks and feedback based on the GCSE Component 3 marking criteria.

The next piece we will work in is a devised piece called 'Twisted Fairytales'. Here students will have opportunity to work on the creativity, inventiveness and group working skills.

Students will then study the play 'Alice' by Laura Wade. This is in preparation for Component 3 of the GCSE. Students will explore this play through both practical and written work.


  • Completion of a Component 1 style paper – Sections A and B only

    Curriculum Period 2:

    Curriculum content

    The first part of this curriculum period will be an introduction to the set text for Section B of Component 1, ‘Blood Brothers’ by Willie Russell. Students will explore the plot, characters and context of the play alongside getting a taste of the exam questions and prepping some technical designs.

    The next focus will be on a practical piece. This will be a scripted performance and allow students to explore the identity of their own work with a varied collection of scripts presented.

    The final area for study in this period is a practice piece for Component 2 of the GCSE. This will be devising from a stimulus and allow students to do a full dry run of the creation, rehearsal and performance process.


    • Practical performance of a scripted piece.
    • Component 1 practice paper – Sections A and B only

      Curriculum Period 3:

      Curriculum content

      Students will spend their time on preparation of Component 1 - Section C (analysis and evaluation of the work of live theatre makers). This will involve watching a streamed or live performance followed by exploration of how effective students perceive characters' performances in conveying meaning to an audience.


        • CGP Revision guides
        • Youtube Drama teacher revision videos
        • Knowledge organisers
        • Past papers
        • BBC Bitesize

        Subject advice and guidance

        If you need any further guidance, then please contact Mrs Black via email:
