OCR Cambridge Nationals
Sport Science Level 1/2 – J828
Curriculum Allocation
CAMNAT Sports Science is taught for 3x 100 minute lessons per fortnight
Curriculum Period 1:
Curriculum content
Unit R181: Applying Principles of Training: Fitness and how it affects skill performance
Topic Area 1: Components of fitness applied in sport
- 1.1.1 The definition of, and suitable fitness tests used, to measure each component of fitness
- 1.1.2 Fitness component requirements of sports
- 1.1.3 Justification of most important components of fitness
- 1.2.1 Fitness tests for components of fitness
- 1.2.2 Collect and interpret the results of fitness tests
- 1.2.3 Strengths and areas of improvement of each fitness component
- 1.3.1 Devising skill based fitness tests
- 1.3.2 Conduct the tests devised
- 1.3.3 How to record results of skill based fitness tests
50% Coursework task production - R181
50% Exam score - Related exam
Curriculum Period 2:
Curriculum content
Unit R181: Applying Principles of Training: Fitness and how it affects skill performance
Topic Area 2: Principles of training in sport
- 2.1.1 The definition and application of each principle of training and goal setting
- 2.2.1 Advantages and disadvantages of the structure of each training method
- 2.2.2 Aerobic exercise
- 2.2.3 Anaerobic exercise
Topic Area 3: Organising and planning a fitness training programme
- 3.1.1 Considerations to inform planning
- 3.1.2 Applying principles of training
- 3.2.1 Elements of training programmes
- 3.2.2 How to monitor progress and adapt a programme
- 3.3.1 Post programme tests
- 3.3.2 Achievement recognised
20% Previous learning - R181
80 % R181 - New coursework production
Curriculum Period 3:
Curriculum content
Unit R181: Applying Principles of Training: Fitness and how it affects skill performance
Topic Area 4: Evaluate own performance in planning and delivery of a fitness training programme
- 4.1.1 Reflections on the fitness training programme
- 4.1.2 Strengths and areas for improvement of the fitness training programme
- 4.1.3 Further development suggestions for improvements to the fitness training programme
100% - R181 - Whole unit coursework production - Submitted to exam board
Revision resources
We provide knowledge organisers for all the units covered through Year 10 for the R081 unit as this is assessed through an exam. Pupils should use these to revise for recall tests throughout the year and for the three formal assessments.
There are revision guides which have been published for this course by GCSE Simplified, Hodder and CGP. Whichever publisher, it is important that pupils use a revision guide specifically for OCR Cambridge National Sports Science qualification (Sept 22 First teaching). Periodically we do make a school order for revision guides.
Subject advice and guidance
If you need any further guidance then please contact your child’s teacher via email: